Thursday, February 4, 2010

Lessons from a five year old

My five year old is fiercely independent and headstrong.  I am putting a positive spin on what I want to call stubborness today.  I've spent the morning arguing with her to cooperate in every aspect of my schedule and goals for the day.  She is not normally uncooperative, unless of course she has a different agenda or ideal for the day.  She can be very single-minded.  This vexes me.  It also inspires and challenges me.  I do not wish for her to be disruptive or adamant but I can appreciate a steadfast and strongwilled approach to one's own wants and needs.  She would be hardpressed to settle for anything less than what she expects or wants.  She does not give in to tantrums or fits, I do not allow that.  But she presses on, persists, is not discouraged, does not settle.  I love that about her.  I want to encourage her to not settle, to be unrelentless in the pursuit of her own desires.  More so I am sure because she is a girl, she is also a third child, the baby girl.  It would be very easy for her to just follow patterns set before her and fall into others expectations of her but she never has. 
Today it is presenting a problem because I cannot allow her to go to Caleb's appointments in her underwear and she is adamant that it is naked time.  It has been one battle after another this morning.  I am seasoned enough as a mother to know you pick your battles.  I found myself this morning entirely frustrated with her stubborness and wanting to stifle that will in her.  But I will not.  I will challenge her to be flexible, to bend and not be so rigid, but not to break.  I will challenge myself to not quickly and easily turn to the negative spin of the situation or the character.  I am not like her.  I easily bend.
I have moments of "I won't back down" attitude but for the most part I am laid back and flexible.

I do not have a need to rock the boat, I have a need to make sure everyone on the boat has a life jacket on and is having a great time.  I am not discrediting that role.  I appreciate my nurturing aspect.  Others I would guess just want to be on the boat, enjoy the ride.  Others still, like my Vanny want to steer the boat. 
Today I am challenged by my five year old.  The nurturer in me wants to value her character and personality as it it is.  The disciplinarion and logistical person in me is having a hard time rising to the challenge.  Somedays it seems like such a fine balance!

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