Friday, December 18, 2009


Today I recieved Christmas cards in the mail along with a nice little postcard from Children's.  I thought what could it be, it isnt large enough to be a bill, we do not have any appointments soon so it isnt a reminder card, maybe it is a holiday card.  They send birthday cards to each of my kids and requests for donations, so why not a holiday card?  I opened the card casually.  It was not a holiday card, not a bill, not an appointment reminder.  It was a postcard with lab results.  A postcard with lab results.  Odd.  Disconcernting to me.  Caleb's future resting on these lab results and they send me a postcard.  a postcard.  Can you tell I am annonyed?  The postcard said one test came back ok.  This is the test we knew would come back ok.  The card also said please call for a follow up appointment to discuss your other lab results.  Wait, what.  Are our other lab results not ok?  Are they even in?  Immediately my mind goes to the bad, they must be in, they must be not ok or why else would we need a follow-up.  I have called and left a message for the nurse to return my call and answer my questions.  Stupid postcard.  I will not freak out because there is no sense in it.  They said the other testing would not be in until mid January.  So ok breathe. 
On a side note, we are expected to get some snow.  I am excited.  My plans to Christmas shop and to make the girls really clean their room will be put on hold but snow, yeah!  And also, I love Christmas cards.  I love pictures of friends' kids and pets.  I love beautiful religious cards and Santa cards.  I am so thankful I received Christmas cards today along with the postcard.  The postcard can be burried undereneath pictures of smiling kids and snowmen. 
stupid postcard, who sends a postcard anyway?

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