Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Seperation Anxiety

I've been in a funk as of late, had one of those weeks, I almost want to say one of those years! But I won't be that extreme. I've also been thinking of another f word and it isn't funk, but I won't go there.
Yeah, it's been one of those weeks and I forgot to safeguard my heart. The unoffendable heart is definately absent this week. So hear it goes, my heartache, my frustration, my anger or self-preservation. Someone said something without thinking 4 days ago and I'm still reeling.
Caleb has just started having seperation anxiety and secretly I love it! No, not the tears or his fear, but that he recognizes and needs me. I was explaining to a friend my new wave of exhaustion due to Caleb's anxiety. Then she spoke, (without filtering) “That's great. I guess he doesn't have mental defects then." I smiled, nodded, and walked away. On the inside I was insulted and infuriated and brokenhearted. Finally, a normal developmental milestone I could relate and share in this stage without all the extra preemie explanations. I could feel like a normal mom again, well as normal as I could ever be. But my normalcy was short-lived and I am still in a funk.
I realize my friend was just trying to be encouraging but she missed the mark. I know people often say the wrong thing in the name of kindness. I have even done that but that isn't very soothing when you are in the midst of an offense.
Words, reality, unknown fears, all of this heavy on my mind instead of just enjoying the feeling of being needed and missed.
Don't worry I do have some perspective, Caleb is my forth child. Soon enough his crying and need for my attention will produce my own anxiety; the everybody just go to bed bedtime anxiety. But for now there is a sweet delight in knowing my baby wants me, NEEDS me. So I work on extending grace to others and embracing our own new family normal. I also work on rejecting fears and negativety. Goodbye funk, no more f words for me.

1 comment:

Michelle S. said...

Hey Chris,
I am sorry about your friends lack of filter. I am becoming more accustomed to people's lack of filters, mostly my family's. Anyway, I just wanted to say, great post and if it helps, I know how you feel. People don't know unless they have been there the power of their words to lift you up or bring you crashing down.